Current webcams for the Great Smoky Mountains.

Current webcam from Look Rock, Tennessee.

Current webcams for the Great Smoky Mountains.

Current webcam from Mammoth Cave NP, Kentucky. Yesterday at Mammoth Cave

Weather in the Woods

We aggregate data from the National Weather Service, National Park Service, Weather Underground, and friendly twitter and blog feeds to help hikers understand weather and road conditions for the Daniel Boone National Forest and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Each station (GRSM, CUGA, and DBNF) offers current weather observations, forecasts, webcams, archives, and climate information that updates every 15 minutes. Smell the mountain air, through the internet.

Recent Photographs & Maps

Tree canopy model inside Ne...

Tree canopy model inside New Circle Road Lexington, Kentucky 2019 High-resolution version 19.3% in cano...

Cumberland Gap, ridge and v...

Cumberland Gap, ridge and valley, and impact crater The interesting physiography of southeastern Kentucky and southw...

Webcam Animations

Archive of animations for the Great Smoky Mountains
Great Smoky animations, updated daily (2015 to present)
Go Explore!

Our Favorite Hikes

RRG 3D terrain map

Interactive web maps have come a long way over the years. First we had slippy maps using raster tilesets – they’ve been around for about twenty years and are incredibly durable. However, once the tileset is rendered, it’s not easy to change the look of the raster image. You will need to render ...

Maps and Weather

Experimenting with Geolocat...

We have a lot of great raster base map services available in Kentucky and I wanted to access them for my current location when I use my mobile device in the field. While there are many ways to make a mobile map, I wanted use Leaflet JS and build a custom geolocation service using the Geolocation ...

Our Clients' Maps

RRG 3D terrain map

Interactive web maps have come a long way over the years. First we had slippy maps using raster tilesets – they’ve been around for about twenty years and are incredibly durable. However, once the tileset is rendered, it’s not easy to change the look of the raster image. You will need to render ...