Red River Gorge t-shirt

T-shirt front

Looking for a new fashion statement?

We’ve printed a map of the Red River Gorge on a 100%-cotton, heavy-weight t-shirt.

This double-sided t-shirt will be first available at the Kentucky Art Market, which is adjacent to the Woodland Arts Fair. This August 2019.

T-shirt back


  1. Don The RRG Dude Bman says

    Its not giving an option for small! please help!

  2. Jeffry Caudill says

    Do you have these in smalls? I ordered and rec’d the medium, but it’s too big for my daughter. I’ll give the medium to someone else, but would sure like to have the small…thanks!

  3. Jeffry Caudill says

    Can I buy one (or two or three) and have you ship them to me?

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