Although the weather turned sharply colder and windier on Friday, this national park nature festival enjoyed a good number of visitors learning about many aspects of our natural environment, such as birds of prey via a raptor rehabilitation program, backcAlthough the weather turned sharply colder and windier on Friday, this national park nature festival enjoyed a good number of visitors learning about many aspects of our natural environment, such as birds of prey via a raptor rehabilitation program, backcountry safety from the park service, and demonstrations of survival on the pioneer frontier. True to the title "Wild Mountain Mania," Cumberland Mountain was swallowed by dense clouds and evening camps were blustery and rainy, which all marked a melancholic start of autumn and the slow slide into winter's darkness. But just as the Cherokee, the colonial longhunter, and the lost black bear prepared for the cold and isolation of winter, so we too prepare today in fluorescent-lit malls, dark cineplexes, and garish holiday attire. But a season's weather will dismantle...Our calm...Drowning our last joyful chortle. This area is covered in our Cumberland Gap Trail Map: [img][/img] Buy this map