A walk around downtown Lexington, campus, and the arboretum. Wind advisory from national weather service. 24°F at beginning, and 15°F when finished. Wind speeds highest atop the arboretum and westerly. Wind chill probably 0°F. Tremendous atmospheric claA walk around downtown Lexington, campus, and the arboretum. Wind advisory from national weather service. 24°F at beginning, and 15°F when finished. Wind speeds highest atop the arboretum and westerly. Wind chill probably 0°F. Tremendous atmospheric clarity and noticed a few psychedelic multi-colored clouds via cloud iridescence. Few people out and counted maybe a half-dozen pedestrians and one biker in full-body thermal glove. First punch of truly arctic air in Lexington with weather we haven't seen in over a year.
The first photograph is from Thursday and shows the appalling weather that preceded today majestic chill.