A hike on the ST, Bison Way, and Suspension Bridge TrailsFrom the Bison Way parking I toured the pleasant grounds of Gladie Creek, where the USFS has a preserved cabin and Native American encampment on the Red River. The river was swollen manila yellow in spring tide and the forest floor bright under a leafless canopy.
Just two weeks later the area above Gladie was ravaged by a wildfire ignited by a careless camper leaving a smoldering fire. Luckily forest service crews were able to contain the fire to 200 acres. Hikers often neglect spring fire season because they see so much new green growth and the creeks are full; yet in late April when the trees are bare and the sun is high they are recreating in serious fire hazard as this past weekend shows.
This area is covered in our Red River Gorge Trail Map:
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